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Governmental Websites
U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives
Legislative Action Center
Located on the American Family Association's website, this webpage contains all the information you'll need to lend your voice to the issues of our day. You'll find the latest alerts, a link to your elected officials, information on issues and legislation as well as a guide to the media. By simply inputing your zip code in the "Find Your Officials" search box, you can gain access to your Senators' or Representatives' email and contact information as well as lend your voice in issues that directly affect Christians and all Americans.
A website of Focus on the Family, Citizenlink.com features current analysis of cultural issues, calls to action, Citizen Magazine, and other relevant articles relating to and of concern to the family.
Family Research Council
Family Research Council (FRC) was founded in 1983 as an organization dedicated to the promotion of marriage and family and the sanctity of human life in national policy. Through books, pamphlets, media appearances, public events, debates and testimony, FRC's team of experienced policy experts review data and analyze proposals that impact family law and policy in Congress and the executive branch. FRC also strives to assure that the unique attributes of the family are recognized and respected through the decisions of the courts and regulatory bodies.
Mississippi Legislative Links
State House of Representatives Directory
State Senate Directory
Bill Status