We are delighted that so many of you have visited online and taken part in our Action alerts in the morality areas of interest. The CAC wishes for you to be updated on these vital and current issues that are before our nation. Mark this website as one of your favorites or as an icon on your personal computer desk top.
Alcohol and the Christmas Season - Proverbs 20:1.
During the Christmas season and holidays, many people will drink alcoholic beverages. There is mounting evidence that Americans are becoming heavy alcoholic beverage consumers. The abuse of beverage alcohol has been a moral issue in all of recorded time. The Bible records Noah’s drunkenness in Genesis Chapter 9. His image and testimony was scarred by his deeds. There are both immediate and long-term negative effects associated with the use of alcohol; beer, whiskey, wine, etc. They are:
1) the loss of touch with reality,
2) the loss of rational judgment, and
3) the loss of memory.
Alcoholics frequently cannot remember what happened to themselves or others during the times they are intoxicated. Strong drink destroys relationships, deadens a person’s conscience and moral sensitivity, and brings poverty into many homes.
Alcohol is a costly luxury, especially during the holiday and festive seasons. Proverbs 23:32 says, “at the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.”
Some Christians favor the use of alcohol beverages in moderation, where as other believers insist on total abstinence. Some believe it is possible to drink alcoholic beverages without damaging their Christian testimonies, and others that the only safe rule is to completely stay away from strong drink.
As a nation, little of what we say or do, sadly, is based on the Word of God. We have rejected God’s counsel in government, business, schools, and in the family. And we are paying the price. Will we fail to recognize that God has the first and last word? As Christians, we ought to see the alternatives clearly, pray, and then speak out as those who understand and are committed to the will of God.
Although widely scattered, the majority of tragic happenings, too often, had a common cause-drinking alcoholic beverages. These tragedies take place every twenty-four hours of every day across the nation. Forces outside the church are rising to quench the tide of useless deaths by alcohol abuse-such as Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) and Students Against Drunk Drivers (SADD).
Drinking alcohol is a moral issue.
Followers of Christ should live consistent moral lives with the belief and conviction that Jesus Christ is Lord and our supreme example. Christians, like their Lord, are alert to things that degrade human life. We shun things which keep us from reaching our full Christian potential. Biblical morality demands that we not be victimized by a substance that is personally and socially destructive such as alcohol. Read God’s Word for clear directions: Proverbs 20:1, Isaiah 5:22-23, Leviticus 10:9, Numbers 6:3, Romans 13:13-14, and I Corinthians 6:9-10.
CAC Trustee of the Month
Rev. Kevin Marr is the Missionary Pastor of Lifepointe Church in Olive Branch, MS. Bro. Marr’s hometown is Memphis, TN. He has been in the ministry for 16 years. He is married to Jill and they have two children.
Churches that Support the CAC
First Hispanic, Ripley
Good Hope, Ovett
Good Hope, Columbia
Hillcrest, Yazoo City
Hopewell, Laurel
Merry Christmas
Mrs Adams and I wish each reader a very Merry Christmas. Join us in repeating these words as we “Keep Christ in Christmas.”